Maximize Outbound Leads

Pay for performance. Only quality confirmed calls with your target.

FishKorp: 30+ years in B2B demand gen.

Experts in appointment setting for simple and complex sales.

Scalable model ensures consistent growth and robust lead gen globally.

Let's partner for your business success.


Targeted Lead

Generate top-tier leads with strategic research and personalized outreach.

Scheduling Appointments

Cultivate relationships, guide leads through the funnel, boost conversion rates.

FishKorp initiated our project in just one call! First appointment secured within a week, leading to a successful follow-up. Current reply rate: 75%, with predominantly positive responses. Thanks!

- Avi Muchnick, Founder at BurnerPage

Contact Us for Results

Complete the form to fill your calendar with new MQLs. We're here to assist,
and we guarantee results for promising projects. Reach out today!

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